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Close to a million high quality images of manuscripts and early printings with advanced viewing options
Please note, the 'Sussmann Catalog' will now be accessible through the 'Bavli' site, and the 'Judeo-Arabic Biblio.' through the 'Judeo-Arabic' site

The Friedberg Jewish Manuscript Society (FJMS) of Toronto, Canada

carries out many of its activities in a Joint Venture with the Friedberg Genizah Project (FGP). The aim of this Joint Venture is to further the Society's (FJMS) goals of educating the public through the study and research of Genizah fragments, manuscripts and early printings as well as other books and documents as they relate to Judaism and Jews.By using advanced software systems freely accessible to everyone, anywhere, anytime.









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FGP - The Cairo Genizah site

is used by Genizah researchers in all fields of Jewish Studies: Biblical Literature, Rabbinic Literature, Prayer and Liturgy, Humanities and Sciences, the History and Culture of Jewish Society in the Mediterranean Basin in the medieval era. The site preserves images of all the Genizah fragments accompanied by extensive information : Identifications, catalog records, bibliographic data, transcriptions, translations etc. The site includes advanced visual tools designed specifically for the project.

"Hachi Garsinan" Talmud Bavli Variants site

includes images and transcriptions of all textual witnesses of the Babylonian Talmud: Genizah fragments, manuscripts and early printings. The site also includes a computerized synopsis for the entire Talmud with several display options that allow the user to highlight variants he/she wishes to view. The site also contains the "Thesaurus of Talmudic Manuscripts " edited by Prof. Yaacov Sussmann. The Academic Director was Dr. Menachem Katz.

Judeo-Arabic Corpus

includes more than one hundred works in this language, a total of about four million words. Alongside it is a full bibliography of all publications in the field of Judeo-Arabic with bibliographical lexicon.

Nahum Collection website

contains manuscripts from the Yemenite Genizah collected by Yehuda Levi Nahum, who established the "Unveiling the Treasures" project.

Yad HaRambam site

includes a synoptic edition of Maimonides' great book Mishneh Torah according to early printings and manuscripts, together with hundreds of commentaries and novellae written on this work.

Mahadura Website

contains a wide range of manuscripts, and puts at the disposal of researchers and all interested users a powerful tool for transcribing manuscripts and creating advanced computerized synopses!